Saturday, March 7, 2009

Reflections on the Change: A Poem

Though Aunt Flo still shows up and out when she wants to.

I feel as if my womb is as useless as damp matches.
But I still want to keep it, it is a gift from God.
After all, it has borne children and nurtured the souls of wounded men.

Though my thoughts may waiver, my inner vision is keener than ever.

Though I may become disoriented by this birthing of the new,

my intuition is enhanced and I am trusting myself deeply.
My red moon passing is a time to see grace realized.
While I reinvent myself, I am learning greater tolerance,
or maybe I just don't give a damn.

What I take in is just as important to me as what I give out.
I am using the heat from my hot flashes to incubate new ideas.
I am making room for the woman I am becoming.
The Crone, the wise Sage, the real keeper of the secret joy.
I can now give myself permission to dance naked in the moonlight.
I am a woman on fire with hope and love: ripe, fertile and pregnant with possibilities.


Judith-Ann said...

Absolutely Wonderful. I am currently reading "The Queen of Myself - Stepping Into Sovereignty in Midlife" by Donna Henes. I highly recommend it to all women in or approaching the Red Moon days of their life.

I have so many pages and passages marked I can't count them all, but the one that is most repeating itself during my days is Henes comment that the French have a saying; When a woman loses her blood, she finds her voice.

How true, how true.

L. Michelle Odom said...

Love it!...and can definitely relate :-)