When our mothers and grandmothers went through what was appropriately called the change, there were few pills or hormones to "treat" menopause. "The change" was seen as a natural phase in a woman's life. A stage where a woman went from the childbearing years to middle age. With that came wisdom and a signal for the woman to focus inward now that the children had been reared.
In our current society where even the most natural of processes is seen as an inconvenience, the change must be managed. We treat this natural process as if were a disease. I am lead to wonder if by introducing so many synthetic substances into our bodies, if we aren't exposing ourselves to greater risks. Please note that I am not suggesting that any one break from what has been advised by their doctor. This is only my humble opinion.
It is my hope that we will use this space to support women and that we use the menopausal process as an opportunity to give birth to our creativity, renegotiate our relationships and to transform and heal our lives. It is my hope that we will share our collective stories, remedies and even our agitations in a spirit of love, humor and mutual respect.
I welcome each of you to add your voice to Sisters of the Red Moon Passing cyber salon. In sharing our stories, we chronicle experiences that can be shared with our daughters, sisters, mothers and sister friends. Let's do this thing!
My menopausal journey was traumatic, revealing, awakening and empowering. I truly changed to the degree that my children, family, and friends did not know me; and in actuality, I didn't know my emerging self. As I was recognizing, releasing, salvaging, allowing, healing, confronting, and awakening, I birthed poetry in the process. The gift that kept me connected at some level to life yet also struggling to understand who was this artist in me requiring of me to live differently and to be differently. I engaged the artist, the performer, the public speaker, the songstress, the writer, the author and soon the visual artists as I settle in to being who I am to be.
Beautifully presented blog. Glad you found me and left comment so that I could find you! I'm happy to be your first follower. Keep writing and uniting we sisters of the change.
I am 54 years old, I began to have night sweats about 5 years ago so I began to eat tofu, drink soy milk, stop drinking coffee, and decreased my intake of caffeine. When I exercise a lot, it increases my sexual desire. I feel fine going into menopause.
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